I never used to think that the world were about "having", instead of "being". Since childhood, I only cared about my parents, my relatives, my dog, and never thought about the place i lived, the clothes i was wearing, the people i hang out, or the future.
Than puberty came and brought a whole new perspectives. This way of thinking imposed itself and made me create differences between poverty and richness, goodness and badness, friendship and enmity, acceptable and unacceptable, right and wrong.
Society has evoluted quickly in the last 50 years, but not morally talking. We're still transforming our thoughts, getting new perspectives and realizing new horizons.
For a short period of time, I let myself be taken by this mass way of life. Fortunately I woke up to reality, and it is way more beautiful than the rest of the world can imagine. To the hell misconceptions, prejudices, this bad destructive capitalistic way of living. I'm not a communist, thou.
I believe that human beings can live as brothers and sister, I think we're much more than just me, or you. We're souls evoluting on a place full of challenges and atonement. I believe that getting in touch with nature is way more important than having this or that apartment, this or that car. After all, we go to the beach because of it's beauty, the way it make us feel. We love summer 'cause it's the time we get peace, when we get together with our friends, when we travel around the world, get to know wonderfull places and have fun.
It is not correct destroying our envoironment as a matter of confort, because we want to live better.
Some friend of mine said that the world is dramatically changing, is passing through a period of transition and that who got prepared for this will be able to live a better life. The ones who insist on the same mistakes are going to suffer. I belive that, and I still believe one other thing she said: People are going after their origins.
First I got to think, than she made me realize I was already doing that. But I did that unconsciously, because something said in my mind that going after that was making me a better person, and it was right.
Our parents, grandparents and others lived in this world for more than 3.000 years without a bunch of the crap we "must have" today. I believe some inventions came to improve our life, but we're in a time that we must think of what is really important, what will bring us some learning and make us grow on this journey.
I started living, as my mentor Jason Mraz would call, high and righteously. I hope my friends, the ones who hasn't started yet, will take the same way. After all, life is really good. While you're reading this and complaining about the TV, or your internet connection, some people are complaining about the food they don't have, because the crops of their place are destinated to supply your needs.
So stop living as you only have this life, you know you don't. Stop judging other as you knew what they have gone trough, you'll never do. Stop thinking that you must think first of yourself, cause this will take you nowhere. Let's all join hands and face this walk as we're supposed to do, as brethren.
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