terça-feira, 22 de março de 2011


Lucas estava mais uma tarde em seu trabalho. Fazia um lindo dia do lado de fora de seu escritório. De sua janela conseguia ver as pessoas indo em direção à praia. Carros e mais carros passavam, alguns vermelhos, outros pretos, alguns cinzas e outros de diversas cores, cada um com uma pessoa feliz, seu som alto, rapazes sem camisa, garotas preparando os apetrechos para o banho de sol, alguns até passavam com as pranchas de surf presas ao capô do carro.
Ele estava entediado, cansado. Não tinha férias há dois anos, devido a mudanças de trabalho, aulas na faculdade, e diversos outros eventos. Estava irritado em ter que emitir mais relatórios, mais boletins de desempenho, mais projeções, fazer isso, fazer aquilo e ver a vida passar do lado de fora de sua janela. Sentia saudades de sentir o vento bagunçando seus cabelos, de ouvir o canto dos pássaros, de sentir a calmaria que era apenas andar na calçada em um dia tranqüilo de vida. Faria qualquer loucura para ter um pouco mais daquilo.
Foi quando a oportunidade surgiu. Seu chefe pediu para que ele fosse estacionar o carro dele em outro lugar. Lucas não pensou duas vezes. Pegou as chaves e rumou em direção ao carro. Seu corpo já sentia a adrenalina aumentando e seu coração já batia mais acelerado.
Entrando no carro e acelerando rumo a rodovia que ali próxima existia, o jovem pôs-se a dirigir com toda vontade. Abriu todas as janelas e sentiu o vento percorrer todo seu corpo. Com uma das mãos arrancou a gravata que tanto o sufocava e pôs o óculos-de-sol que estava no banco do passageiro.
Que sensação, que paz estava sentindo. Como era gostoso aquela brisa, ver o mar ao longe brilhando com o reflexo da luz daquele sol, daquele dia quente de verão.
Dirigiu com todo seu ânimo em sentido à praia. Seu celular tocou, ele nem se deu ao trabalho de ver quem era, apenas desligou e aumentou o volume da rádio. Um sentimento de liberdade percorria suas veias, e ele não queria saber de perdê-lo.
Estacionou à beira da praia, lentamente tirou seus sapatos, sua camisa e suas meias. Dobrando sua calça até a altura do joelho, caminhou em direção à areia, parando apenas para comprar uma cerveja no caminho. Sentou-se e sua audição foi inundada pelo barulho das ondas a quebrar na orla.
Respirou fundo, uma respiração pura, uma respiração de paz. Tomou um gole de sua cerveja gelada, que desceu como água naquele dia de calor. A brisa pôs-se a varrer seus cabelos novamente. Dessa vez não apenas via as pessoas felizes correndo, brincando, rindo... Dessa vez ele estava entre eles.
A sensação que ele estava tendo não era apenas pura liberdade, não era apenas um sentimento livre de culpa. O que ele vinha sentindo era a VIDA! A vida de um jeito que não se era possível sentir em frente a um computador ou assistindo à televisão.
Não sabia o que aconteceria quando voltasse para o escritório, isso resolveria depois. Sabia apenas que a vida fora feita para os seres humanos valorizarem e que de hoje em diante ele faria isso. Mas no momento queria aproveitar o agora, observar a natureza e sentir-se vivo, como não se sentia há muito tempo.

domingo, 20 de março de 2011


Run! Do it fast! Faster and faster! Hurry up! I need this for yesterday! C'mon! Life is short! I don't have patience! Now!...
I want to scream, I do want to run, but far away from here. I do want to go fast, but to the moment of life i'll have silence, a little bit of peace. We don't need to hurry, we don't need to go faster and faster, we just need to enjoy life as it appears to us.
Earth is getting addicted to a pace of life that is not common for our kind. everything must be done now, everybody wants answers immediately, wants to get to their final destination the exact moment they think of it. People doesn't have patience anymore.
A very wise man once said "Patience is a virtue". A person who is patient is in peace with the world. Why not waiting some more minutes, why buying everything just right now, why can't we respect the limits, live just like our ancestors did, let the world take its time?
Doing everything faster doesn't let you appreciate the wind blowing off your hair, doesn't allow you to see for several minutes a cloud going its way far from the place you are, doesn't make you feel how everything is connected and designed brillantly.
Have you ever stopped some hours just watching the stars, and the moon? Doesn't it seem to you a waste of time looking at the stars? Well, I guess having small talks on the internet should be a better way to live.
I was thinking about mail. It's been so much time since I've last got a letter from someone. The anxiously about the arrival, your heart beating faster when you see the mailman bringing some stuff, the hope for being remembered... It doesn't work this way with my e-mail inbox.
I believe our bodies have their own will, and they do this to test us. If you turn you body used to something, you'd better be mind-prepared to fight against it. We're meant to be soul-ruled people, that's why we have our intelligence, our feelings.
Our body is always trying to control us, but we have to fight against it, for our own sake. Just question: does everything our body judges as good is really what it thinks about it?
I'm trying to take control of my wishes, to be a soul-ruled, instead of a body one. Unfortunately I'm one in a billion. But I'll take my pace, I'll try to change the world, I can do that.
I wonder how [...]

-to be continued another time-

terça-feira, 8 de março de 2011

Living High and righteously

I never used to think that the world were about "having", instead of "being". Since childhood, I only cared about my parents, my relatives, my dog, and never thought about the place i lived, the clothes i was wearing, the people i hang out, or the future.
Than puberty came and brought a whole new perspectives. This way of thinking imposed itself and made me create differences between poverty and richness, goodness and badness, friendship and enmity, acceptable and unacceptable, right and wrong.
Society has evoluted quickly in the last 50 years, but not morally talking. We're still transforming our thoughts, getting new perspectives and realizing new horizons.
For a short period of time, I let myself be taken by this mass way of life. Fortunately I woke up to reality, and it is way more beautiful than the rest of the world can imagine. To the hell misconceptions, prejudices, this bad destructive capitalistic way of living. I'm not a communist, thou.
I believe that human beings can live as brothers and sister, I think we're much more than just me, or you. We're souls evoluting on a place full of challenges and atonement. I believe that getting in touch with nature is way more important than having this or that apartment, this or that car. After all, we go to the beach because of it's beauty, the way it make us feel. We love summer 'cause it's the time we get peace, when we get together with our friends, when we travel around the world, get to know wonderfull places and have fun.
It is not correct destroying our envoironment as a matter of confort, because we want to live better.
Some friend of mine said that the world is dramatically changing, is passing through a period of transition and that who got prepared for this will be able to live a better life. The ones who insist on the same mistakes are going to suffer.  I belive that, and I still believe one other thing she said: People are going after their origins.
First I got to think, than she made me realize I was already doing that. But I did that unconsciously, because something said in my mind that going after that was making me a better person, and it was right.
Our parents, grandparents and others lived in this world for more than 3.000 years without a bunch of the crap we "must have" today. I believe some inventions came to improve our life, but we're in a time that we must think of what is really important, what will bring us some learning and make us grow on this journey.
I started living, as my mentor Jason Mraz would call, high and righteously. I hope my friends, the ones who hasn't started yet, will take the same way. After all, life is really good. While you're reading this and complaining about the TV, or your internet connection, some people are complaining about the food they don't have, because the crops of their place are destinated to supply your needs.
So stop living as you only have this life, you know you don't. Stop judging other as you knew what they have gone trough, you'll never do. Stop thinking that you must think first of yourself, cause this will take you nowhere. Let's all join hands and face this walk as we're supposed to do, as brethren.